Revival Prayer Group

RPG - 中文




    • (齐声)"要常常喜乐, 不住的祷告, 凡事谢恩;因为这是神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。" (帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:16)




    • 先以圣经的话开始祷告,接着以具体的事项为自己感恩祷告


天父我感谢你,因为(为自己感恩的事)…… 奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。"




  • 为別人代祷 A→B、B→C、C→A 或 A→BC、B→CA、C→AB

"天父上帝,我們来到你面前为(某人)祷告…… 奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。"

  • 若是和慕道友一起祷告,可以到此结束。



    • 国度代祷事项(以下3项选一个分享)1. 为教会祷告: 2. 为宣教祷告: 3. 为各国祷告:

    • 福音代祷对象(以下5项选一个分享)1. 为教会新来的朋友: 2. 为小组中的慕道友: 3. 为新的传福音对象:4. 为冷淡退后的信徒:5. 为还没信主的家人:


    • 为刚刚自己所分享的"国度代祷事项""福音代祷对象"告。


天父上帝,我們接着要为(某人)祷告…… 奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。"

RPG - English

RPG Revival Prayer Group

Time: 10-15 minutes, Groups of 2-3 people

[Bible reading] First, read the following bible passage together.

(Read together) “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16)

Step 1

[Sharing 1] Simple sharing of personal thanksgiving in last week.

[Prayer 1] Give thanks and praise (break away from self-centeredness, letting the Lord sit on the throne)

  • Start praying with words from the Bible, Then pray for a specific item of thanksgiving for yourself.

"Father, I thank you because The LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. (Psalms 33:18) ……(Next you can try to praise God in your own words)

Father, I thank you because……

In Jesus' mighty name I pray, Amen."

Step 2

[Saring 2] Everyone takes turns to briefly share their prayer needs

[Prayer 2] Daily bread (personal prayer needs)

  • Pray for each other’s needs:
    A→B, B→C, C→A or A→BC, B→CA, C→AB

"Heavenly Father, I am now praying for …. , pray that…….

In Jesus' mighty name I pray, Amen."

  • If you are praying with a seeker, you can end here.

Step 3

[Sharing 3] Share your prayer for God’s Kingdom and Evangelism

  • God’s Kingdom (choose one of the following 3 items to share)

    1. Pray for churches:

    2. Pray for missions:

    3. Pray for countries:

  • Evangelism (choose one of the following 5 items to share)

    1. Pray for church’s new friends / comers:

    2. Pray for seekers in cell groups:

    3. Pray for new evangelical:

    4. Pray for backslidden brothers and sisters:

    5. Pray for family members who have not yet believe in Jesus:

[Prayer 3] The Kingdom of God (Gospel and Transformation)

  • Pray for the [God’s Kingdom] and [Evangelism] shared by yourself.

"Father God, I am now praying for (church, mission or country), pray….

Heavenly Father, I am now praying for (one name), pray…..

In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen"

兒童 RPG - 中文

兒童 RPG



    • (齐声)「要常常喜乐, 不住的祷告, 凡事谢恩;因为这是神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。(帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:16)




    • 以具体的事项为「自己」献上感谢赞美的祷告:

我们在天上的父,我感谢赞美你,因为(为自己感恩的事)…… 奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。




    • 「別人」的需要代祷告 A→B、B→C、C→A 或 A→BC、B→CA、C→AB

天父上帝,我們来到你面前为(某人)祷告…… 奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。

    • 若是和太小的孩子祷告,可以到此结束。




    • 为刚刚「自己」所分享的代祷事项

天父上帝,我們现在奉耶穌的名为(某事或某人)祷告…… 奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。

RPG with Children