2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第6天 罗马书6
Day 6 - Romans 6
Everyone will die, but what is the difference between the death of a saint and the death of a worldly person? The death of a saint is a death with Christ Jesus, but the death of a worldly person is a lonely death. The death of a saint is accompanied by Christ Jesus and buried with Him, but the death of a worldly person can only be buried with decaying grave goods. The greater difference is that when a saint dies with Jesus Christ, they will be resurrected with Him to eternal life, while the death of a worldly person will face eternal punishment.
Jesus had died before, because He became flesh, He had to go through death. However, unlike other people who died because of sin, He was not bound by death. On the contrary, Jesus' bodily resurrection proved that He is the Lord of life and has the power to overcome the power of sin and death.
Through baptism, we are joined with Jesus Christ, which means that we now die and are buried with Him, and in the future, we will surely be resurrected with Him. Although we have not experienced resurrection yet, Paul reminds us to "present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life". Even though we still live in mortal flesh, we already have the power to live out a resurrected life, to live a life that overcomes sin.
We will all experience physical death one day, but we should not fear death because we hope for the glory of resurrection. And we should courageously live out a resurrected life every day.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/ROM.6.ESV