2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第36天 | 歌罗西书 4
Day 36 | Colossians 4
Before ending this letter, Paul gives a final exhortation to remind the believers to maintain their relationship with God and with others. Paul teaches the believers to "continue steadfastly in prayer," because prayer is the foundation for maintaining a relationship with God and with others. In our relationship with God, we should "be watchful and thankful" (NIV) in prayer, which is an attitude of gratitude for God's sacrificial love. Gratitude not only involves thankfulness but also watchfulness, lest we inadvertently put on the "old self" again (4:2).
In our relationship with others, we should also intercede for one another in prayer. Mutual intercession is the perfect ending for Christian gatherings, and without it, gatherings will end hastily like those of ordinary people.
We should also "live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity." (4:5, NLT). The literal meaning of "make the most of every opportunity" is "buying up all the time," and the whole sentence means to exhaust all possible costs and opportunities, using the wisdom given by God to "present everyone fully mature in Christ" (1:28).
Paul also reminds us to season our speech with salt when talking with others. (4:6) The key to seasoning our speech with salt is "careful measurement," as speaking too heavily is like using too much salt, making it hard to swallow, and speaking too lightly may miss the point, like using too little salt, which is also hard to swallow. On the other hand, everyone has different tastes, and how to speak appropriately to different people really requires "wisdom from above" (James 3:17).
Sometimes, we only speak our own thoughts and ignore the other person's feelings, which makes it hard for them to listen. Successful chefs do not only focus on their own preferences but also cater to their customers' tastes while adhering to their own cooking principles.
Paul's metaphor of "seasoning with salt" is really apt, as he himself was the best of all in this. Paul's words to the Corinthian church were "strongly seasoned" because he founded that church, and he had authority over them. But to the Colossian church, Paul's tone was calm and gentle throughout because that was a church established by Epaphras, not Paul, and Paul was not their pastor, so he had no authority over them.
May the Holy Spirit help us to have wisdom to 'season with salt' when we talk with others, so that we may be able to "present everyone fully mature in Christ" (1:28).
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/COL.4.ESV