2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第34天 | 歌罗西书 2
Day 34 | Colossians 2
Colossae is located in a valley in western Turkey, situated along the trade route between Ephesus and the Euphrates Rivers. Because of this, the population is diverse, with many people from various parts of Europe settling there. The diverse population means many different religions, forming a diverse town where the influence of different religions is almost equal, even blending with one another. In such an environment, Christians are inevitably also influenced by other religions.
Therefore, Paul mentions two things that were originally only done by non-Christians but have now become part of Christian life. One of them is "observing festivals", and the believers of the Colossae church have begun to observe seasons, the first day, and the Sabbath. In fact, there is no record of any Christian holidays in the New Testament, not even Christmas. In modern times, Christmas decorations often reduce Christ to a baby in a manger and belittle his significance.
The New Testament also does not require us to celebrate Easter because we already live in Christ's life, celebrating his resurrection every day. Even observing the Lord's Day is not a commandment of the New Testament. The New Testament says " not neglecting to meet together," not "do not stop observing the Lord's Day." If we want to consider Sunday a special day, we observe the Lord's Day. If we want to consider every day as the Lord's day, that is also feasible.
In the first half of Colossians, the word "abundance" is mentioned five times. The Colossians long for abundance, but false teachers teach that abundance can be obtained through various religious regulations, such as circumcision, observing festivals, and observing taboos. But Paul tells the Colossian church that true abundance is in Christ, "for in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form" (2:9, NIV). How can Christians reach the point of abundance? Not by external behaviours such as observing festivals and taboos, but by remaining in Christ, because " in Christ you have been brought to fullness" (2:10, NIV).
Therefore, we should not confuse cause and effect. Celebrating Christmas, and Easter, observing the Lord's Day, offering, etc., are only expressions of the abundance we have in Christ, not means of obtaining an abundant life through them.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/COL.2.ESV