2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days

Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place

第33天 | 歌罗西1



简单地说,保罗的祷告是要歌罗西教会知道上帝的旨意,并且得着能力去遵行。保罗先提到「上帝的旨意」,就是上帝拯救世人的计划。上帝的旨意不是我们的脑袋能推敲出来的,而是要在「属灵的智慧和悟性」中才能真正认识,也就是要靠圣灵的启示与引导才能明白。 (1:9)

认识了上帝的旨意之后,我们才会知道行善的目的是为了「谁」。世人行善的目的往往是为了自己,希望所做的功德能回向自己或子子孙孙,但基督徒「在一切的善事上结果子」是为了「对得起主,凡事蒙祂喜悦。」当我们的顺序对了,我们就会「对上帝的认识更有长进」,更多发现上帝旨意的奥秘。 (1:10)





简体圣经 | https://www.bible.com/bible/140/COL.1.RCUVSS

繁體聖經 | https://www.bible.com/bible/139/COL.1.RCUV

Day 33 | Colossians 1

The Church of Colossae was not established by the apostle Paul. According to the book of Acts, Paul stayed in Ephesus for two years, preaching and discussing the gospel at a lecture hall every day, so that all the people in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord. 

Apparently, people from Colossae also came to listen to Paul's preaching and believed in the Lord, and then they took the gospel back to their hometown. One of these people may have been Epaphras. When Paul was under house arrest in Rome, Epaphras visited him and reported on the situation of the church in Colossae.

Although the Church of Colossae was not founded by Paul, he still showed his care for them through prayer: "since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you." (1:9, NIV) Paul then recorded his prayer. He had written several prayers in his letters, but this was the most detailed one. This sincere prayer can serve as a template for us to pray for the church.

In essence, Paul's prayer was for the Church of Colossae to know God's will and to have the power to carry it out. Paul first mentioned "God's will," which is God's plan to save the world. God's will cannot be discerned by our brain, but only truly understood through " all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, "which requires the revelation and guidance of the Holy Spirit. (1:9)

After knowing God's will, we will know the purpose of doing good deeds is for "whom." The purpose of the world's good deeds is often for oneself, hoping that the merit can be returned to oneself or future generations. But Christians are "bearing fruit in every good work" for the purpose of "pleasing the Lord in every way." When our priorities are right, we will "grow in the knowledge of God" and discover more of the mysteries of God's will. (1:10)

We not only need to know God's will but also experience God's glorious power. In order to make people believe the gospel, God's power may be manifested in miracles of healing and casting out demons. But for believers, God's power often manifests in the improvement of the quality of life, as mentioned in Paul's prayer, where he prayed that Christians could be "strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy." (1:11, NIV)

In many difficulties, we may expect miracles to happen. Of course, God can do this, especially for unbelievers. But for us who follow Jesus, what God cares more about is whether our lives can endure the unendurable and spills over into joy.

Sometimes we may envy other brothers and sisters for why they can personally experience miracles from God, while I have not. But in God's eyes, what is more important is what kind of fruit our lives bear, rather than what miracles we have experienced.

God knows what lessons we need to learn at different stages of our lives. We must believe that since the moment we decided to follow Jesus, God's glorious power has been governing our lives. He knows what is best for us, and everything He does for us is right. God is very pleased that we have such faith!

Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/COL.1.ESV