2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days

Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place

第32天 | 腓立比书 4


我们该做什么才能得到「超越人所能了解的平安」呢?第一,我们要祷告。祷告的重点是祈求,就是「将你们所要的告诉上帝」(4:6),而且要「一无挂虑」(4:6)的祈求 。祷告不是作文,不必打草稿,祷告只是单纯地把心里所求的向上帝诉说。我们的焦虑已经够多了,上帝不要我们祷告时还带着惧怕, 担心自己在上帝面前会说错话。




简体圣经 | https://www.bible.com/bible/140/PHP.4.RCUVSS

繁體聖經 | https://www.bible.com/bible/139/PHP.4.RCUV

Day 32 | Philippians 4

In this world, we will have many concerns and anxieties as we face various information and busy lives. Anxiety has become a common problem among "civilized people." How does God deal with our anxiety? Paul said that God will guard our hearts and minds with "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding" (4:7). This is a promise, and promises come with conditions. As long as there is a promise, there will inevitably be a condition for people to fulfil in order to

What should we do to obtain the peace of God which surpasses all understanding? First, we should pray. The focus of prayer is to ask, to "present your requests to God" (4:6, NIV), and to pray without anxiety. Prayer is not like writing an essay; there is no need to draft it out. Prayer is simply telling God what we are seeking from our hearts. We already have enough anxiety, so we should not be fearful or worry about speaking the wrong words when we pray to God.

Second, we must control our thoughts. Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things (4:8). Paul teaches us to constantly pay attention to things that are good and praiseworthy. If we control our thoughts, "the God of peace will be with you" (4:9).

The church in Philippi had a deep friendship with Paul. They not only shared the expenses of Paul's evangelism many times but also sent Epaphroditus to serve Paul, who was under house arrest in Rome. The church in Philippi became Paul's joy in suffering, and he rejoiced at the thought of them.

May we also be like the church in Philippi, sharing in the lack and suffering of others, so that when people think of us, they will rejoice! In this way, we will receive another abundant promise: "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (4:19).

Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PHP.4.ESV