2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第29天 | 腓立比书 1
我们的信仰不是享乐的信仰,而是受苦的信仰,「因为你们蒙恩,不但得以信服基督,而且要为他受苦。」(1:29)但是,在受苦中一定是哀愁的吗?不, 如果我们「同心合意兴旺福音」(1:5),如果我们「活着就是基督」(1:21),就会有喜乐!
Day 29 | Philippians 1
If we were to give a title to the book of Philippians, "Joy in Suffering" would be the most fitting. When Paul wrote this letter to the church in Philippi, he was facing many troubles. He was imprisoned in Rome and someone was trying to increase his suffering (1:17), and this person was from within the church. Despite such circumstances, Paul still expressed great joy, mentioning the word "joy" 17 times in the book of Philippians.
Why was Paul able to find joy in suffering? There are two main reasons. First, he was alive to preach the gospel. Paul said, "Only that in every way… Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice." (1:18). While being imprisoned in Rome, Paul took the opportunity to preach the gospel to the soldiers who were guarding him. He said, " I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel." (1:12)
For two whole years, whenever the soldiers changed shifts, Paul seized the opportunity to preach the gospel to each one of them, "so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ." (1:13) Paul must have been the most remarkable prisoner those soldiers had ever encountered, and the gospel was wonderfully spread to the important military centre of the Roman Empire.
The second reason Paul found joy in suffering was that he lived by Christ. In the short book of Philippians, the name "Jesus Christ" is mentioned 38 times. Paul's attitude towards suffering was, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (1:21) He was trying to tell us, "If you live for Christ, you will not be afraid of death!"
Who wouldn't be afraid when facing imprisonment? But Paul said he was not afraid, and not only that, he had the fullness of joy. He wrote to the church in Philippi, “You are concerned about me, but in reality, it is the other way around. I am concerned about you, and not at all about my own situation!”
Our faith is not a faith of pleasure, but a faith of suffering, "For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake." (1:29) However, is there necessarily sadness in suffering? No, if we "standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (1:27), if we "to live is Christ" (1:21), there will be joy!
At this moment that is getting closer and closer to the second coming of Jesus, the world will become increasingly chaotic as prophesied in the Bible. We greatly need to learn the lesson of joy from the book of Philippians, so that we can prepare ourselves and face the tribulations of the end times with the right attitude.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PHP.1.ESV