2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第24天 | 以弗所书2
上帝的教会应该有和平的记号在其中,因为耶稣基督就是我们的「和平」,祂在十字架上亲自以自己的身体终止了冤仇,拆毁了中间隔绝的墙,使双方合而为一。 (2:14)这个合而为一的群体不再是外邦人与犹太人,而是「新人」,归为「一体」。
诚如保罗所说:「我们是上帝所造之物,在基督耶稣里创造的。」相对于起初的创造,上帝借着耶稣基督把我们造成新人是第二阶段的创造,我们都是上帝所创造的「新人类」。在这个再造的过程中,上帝的子民将会被改变 ,获得复活的身体,以配合上帝所要创造的「新天新地」。
Day 24 | Ephesians 2
God's people may be divided into different groups for various reasons, such as the "Gentiles" and "Jews," "uncircumcised" and "circumcised" that Paul mentions here. Different groups compete with each other and even want to replace each other, but God's intention is not to replace but to unite.
God's church should have a sign of peace within it, because Jesus Christ is our peace, and He personally put an end to hostility by his own body on the cross, destroying the dividing wall, making both sides one. (2:14) This united group is no longer Gentiles and Jews, but "new people," belonging to "one body."
As Paul says, "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” (2:10) In contrast to the initial creation, God made us new people through Jesus Christ as the second stage of creation. We are all "new humans" created by God. In this process of regeneration, God's people will be changed and given resurrected bodies to fit the "new heaven and new earth" that God will create.
The church on earth is a "taste" of the future new heaven and new earth, even though we are all still in the flesh, in the process of new creation, and have not yet received resurrected bodies. But we have already received the Holy Spirit of God and are "dwelling place for God by the Spirit." (2:22)
The more we understand the truth of the Bible, the more we realize that we have a responsibility to live out that new life. We must understand that we already have the ability to live in peace. If you are willing, you can live out God's peace at home, in the community, and among God's people by relying on the Holy Spirit.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/EPH.2.ESV