2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days

Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place

20天 | 加拉太书4






简体圣经 | https://www.bible.com/bible/140/GAL.4.RCUVSS

繁體聖經 | https://www.bible.com/bible/139/GAL.4.RCUV

Day 20 | Galatians 4

The Bible cares about all kinds of relationships from beginning to end, but it starts by emphasizing the first and most important relationship in your life. This relationship is not with your spouse, parents, children, siblings, or friends. The most important relationship in your life will determine your future, and that is your relationship with God.

How would you describe this relationship? In this chapter, Paul says that our relationship with God is not a relationship of "slave and master" but a relationship of "children and father." If we ask it as a question, it would be, "Is God your boss or your dad?" This is the question that Paul wants the Galatian church to think about carefully. Is your relationship with your Creator that of a servant or a son? Is He your boss or your Heavenly Father?

By studying the book of Galatians, we have looked at our relationship with God from several perspectives. We have seen it from the perspective of the Old and New Testaments, Judaism and Christianity, effort-based and faith-based, and law-based and love-based.

Here, Paul addresses the same issue but from the perspective of whether we are God's children or His servants. This perspective is crucial to how we approach God. From this perspective, we can ask many questions, such as: Is worshipping God serving or celebrating? When you pray, do you call God "God" or "Abba" (Daddy)?

God does not want servants; He wants sons. He sees you as a son and calls you a son. Do you see Him as your Father and call Him Abba?

Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/GAL.4.ESV