2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第2天 罗马书 2
Day 2 - Romans 2
Law and circumcision are the symbols of the Jews, which set them apart from the Gentiles. The Jews considered themselves a superior nation, as they believed they had God's law and knew His will. They saw themselves as a light to the nations and had the responsibility to teach other nations to know God. However, Paul quoted the prophet Isaiah from the Old Testament, saying, ‘The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.'
The Jews also practised circumcision as a way to distinguish themselves from the Gentiles, as they believed they were the chosen people of God and were the recipients of God's covenant, and would never fall into the punishment of hell. But Paul said that true circumcision is not external, but internal, in the heart.
Why did Paul, as a Jew himself, turn around and criticize his own people? When he met Jesus and was illuminated by the great light of God, he realized that everything he had done was not recognised by God. Jesus also asked him, 'Why are you persecuting me?' (Acts 9:1-31)
Paul himself was a strict follower of the law as a Pharisee, and he was very aware that no one could keep all of God's laws. But after meeting Jesus, he realized that his past life as a Pharisee was completely lived in vanity. He clearly could not fulfil the requirements of the law himself, yet he pretended as if he could and even forced others to do so."
However, the problem is not that we cannot keep all the laws, because no one can. The biggest problem is that even though we cannot do it, we continue to live a hypocritical life because we love to receive flattering praise from others.
Who should we seek praise from? If we love to receive praise from people, we will easily prone to become hypocrites. Only by being honest about our limitations and allowing the Holy Spirit to circumcise our hearts can we become new creations and have the possibility of receiving God's praise.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/ROM.2.ESV