2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days

Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place

第18天  加拉太书2


保罗见状起身指责彼得,因为他所做的「与福音的真理不合」。彼得的行为可说是否定了耶稣为罪人死的功效。犹太人很清楚诗篇提到「凡活着的人没有一个是义的」(诗篇 143:2),并且「凡血肉之躯没有一个能因律法的行为称义」(2:16),因此实在没有必要在「因信称义」的福音上再加上「割礼」这件事。单单相信上帝的儿子耶稣为罪人死这件事,就足以使人得救称义,这才是最纯正的福音。




简体圣经 | https://www.bible.com/bible/140/GAL.2.RCUVSS

繁體聖經 | https://www.bible.com/bible/139/GAL.2.RCUV

Day 18 | Galatians 2

In this chapter, Paul mentions Peter's failure, which he would not have brought up if it were not for the sake of the truth of the gospel. One time, when Peter visited the church in Antioch, he was eating with non-Jewish Christian believers. Later, some Jewish Christian believers came from Jerusalem, who were "the circumcision party." When Peter saw them, he did not want to eat with the non-Jewish believers anymore. Peter, who was the first-ranked apostle of the early church, led the way in "hypocrisy," and the other Jewish Christian believers followed suit.

Paul stood up and accused Peter of his behaviour that “was not in step with the truth of the gospel.” Peter's actions could be said to have denied the effectiveness of Jesus' death for sinners. The Jewish people clearly knew that Psalm says " For in Your sight no one living is righteous." (Psalm 143:2) and "by works of the law no one will be justified." (2:16) Therefore, it was unnecessary to add circumcision to the gospel of "justification by faith." Believing solely in the fact that God's son Jesus died for sinners is enough to save people and make them righteous. This is the gospel.

Therefore, Paul said that Peter's refusal to eat with non-Jewish Christian believers was a form of "pretending," which seemed to be saying, "Jesus' death for them was not enough, we need to add Jewish circumcision too!" For this reason, Paul strongly criticized Peter.

Peter's behaviour was actually a "relapse," and he denied Jesus again, just as he did when he denied Jesus three times during His suffering. Peter's weakness was that he was afraid of what others might think, so when he saw the circumcision party of Jewish believers arrive, he thought, " I am afraid that these people will look at me with a strange eye, so it's better for me to eat separately from the Gentiles." In this way, there were two communion tables under the same Lord. They acknowledged the same Lord Jesus Christ but could not sit at the same table.

Let's not be quick to blame Peter. Many times we have done the same thing as Peter, knowing what is right but backing down out of fear of what others might say or think. We all need to pray for courage from above and learn from Paul to speak up bravely for the truth.

Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/GAL.2.ESV