2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第13天 罗马书13
Day 13 - Romans 13
From chapter 12 of the Book of Romans, Paul presents many practical and balanced teachings that help us live a new life in Christ. Our bodies are to become a "living sacrifice," and our minds are to be "transformed and renewed." This is the secret to living a new life and discerning "the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God" (12:1-2).
In Paul's time, many Jews had anti-Roman sentiments, but in chapter 13, Paul urges them to have their minds transformed and see that those in positions of authority are "God's servants" and "ministers of God." The Jewish people in Rome at that time were advocating against paying taxes to the government, but Paul teaches them to " taxes to whom taxes are owed," and from this, he derives the important principle of treating others well and not owing anyone anything, including the taxes owed to the government.
It is the responsibility of the people to obey the law and pay taxes, and it is the responsibility of the government to "bear the sword" against those who do evil. When a country has people who obey the law and pay taxes honestly, the country will prosper, and the government will have the ability to reward good behaviour and punish bad behaviour and take care of the vulnerable.
For most people, obeying the law and paying taxes is motivated by fear of the government, and the government will use fear as a means to punish those who don't obey the law or pay taxes. However, for Christians, the motivation for obeying the law and paying taxes should not be fear, but rather love, because " love is the fulfilling of the law."
The Gospel of the Kingdom demands more of us than we might think. Since "owe no one anything" is a principle, then would you choose not to owe because of fear, or would you choose not to owe because of love?
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/ROM.13.ESV