2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第12天 罗马书12
信徒在世上活出新的生命,不是福音所带来的后果,而是福音的其中一部份。如果福音只包括因信称义、身体得赎,这样的福音不够全面。全面性的福音还必需包括成为「活祭」,因为上帝要的不只是礼拜天在礼拜堂里面的敬拜,更是周间信徒在上帝与世人面前的每时每刻,都过着圣洁的生活 。
Day 12 - Romans 12
The Gospel is the theme of the Book of Romans. In chapters 1 to 4, Paul talks about the Gospel of how people can be reconciled with God through faith. In chapters 5 to 8, he talks about the Gospel of how believers are redeemed by being united with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. In chapters 9 to 11, he talks about the Gospel of how both Gentiles and Jews can receive God's mercy. And in chapters 12 to 16, he talks about the Gospel of how to live out the new life.
Living out the new life as believers is not just a consequence of the Gospel, but an integral part of it. If the Gospel only includes justification by faith and the redemption of the body, it is not comprehensive enough. The comprehensive Gospel must also include becoming a "living sacrifice," because what God wants is not just worship in the church on Sundays, but a holy life before God and people throughout the week.
The reason is simple: God does not want us to be a "dead sacrifice"! The dead sacrifice is only useful at a certain moment, and after it is burned, it ceases to exist. But the living sacrifice is to live out the principles of a heavenly life every day, by the new life that God has given us. The dead sacrifice only pleases God when it is offered, but the living sacrifice pleases God every moment of our lives.
Many people only want to be saved but do not want to be a living sacrifice, only worship God on Sundays but do not live a holy life every day. May our love for God not be just a momentary emotion, but a continuous commitment to become a holy living sacrifice wherever we are.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/ROM.12.ESV