2023 与神同行40天
Walking with God in 40 Days
Drawing Near to God
in a Desolate Place
第10天 罗马书10
Day 10 - Romans 10
"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” What a direct declaration! Those whom God calls righteous are those who have reconciled with God. The Israelites thought that they could be made righteous by following the law. Although this goal was correct, the method was wrong. The law indeed provides the ultimate goal of being made righteous by God, but it also provides a method that can never be accomplished, as Moses said, " The person who does these things will live by them." (NIV) Jesus has summarized the law, and we no longer live by doing "thins things" that we cannot do in fact.
In our lives, are there things that we cling to and believe that will provide security? These things are often a kind of stubborn thought or mistaken belief that tells us, "Without certain people or things, we cannot live." Sadly, the more we cannot get them, the more we cling to them. In fact, "these things" can be let go of, and losing them will not cause us any loss. However, losing Jesus will cause us to lose everything, because the only thing that can give us eternal life is not "these things," but Jesus himself.
Reading the Bible | https://www.bible.com/bible/59/ROM.10.ESV